Son of Austin Marinus and Polly Catherine (Seeyle) Roe.
Born: June 8, 1844 in Rose, Wayne County, New York.
Died: January 6, 1917 in Rose, Wayne County, New York.
1850 - Rose, Wayne County, New York.
1860 - Boonville, Oneida County, New York.
1870 - Wesleyan University, Middletown, Middlesex County, Connecticut.
1880 - Ward 10, Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts.
1900 - Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts.
1910 - Ward 10, Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts.
Occupation: 1874 - Teacher.
Married: Nora Ardelia Metcalf June 22, 1874 Ashland, Middlesex County, Massachusetts.
1850 Census
name: Alfred S Roe
event: Census
event date: 1850
event place: Rose, Wayne, New York, United States
gender: Male
age: 6
marital status:
race (original):
race (expanded):
birthplace: New York
estimated birth year: 1844
dwelling house number: 270
family number: 270
line number: 38
nara publication number: M432
nara roll number: 613
film number: 444329
digital folder number: 004181067
image number: 00371
Household Gender Age
Austin M Roe M 26
Polly Roe F 20
Alfred S Roe M 6
Adelaide Roe F 4
Mortimer Roe M 2
1860 Census
name: Alfred Roe
residence: , Oneida, New York
ward: The Town Of Boonville
age: 16 years
estimated birth year: 1844
birthplace: New York
gender: Male
page: 102
family number: 815
film number: 803825
dgs number: 4236761
image number: 00678
nara number: M653
1880 Census
name: Alfred S. Roe
residence: Worcester, Worcester, Massachusetts
birthdate: 1844
birthplace: New York, United States
relationship to head: Self
spouse's name: Nora A. Roe
spouse's birthplace: Massachusetts, United States
father's name:
father's birthplace: Connecticut, United States
mother's name:
mother's birthplace: New York, United States
race or color (expanded): White
ethnicity (standardized): American
gender: Male
martial status: Married
age (expanded): 36 years
occupation: School Teacher
nara film number: T9-0567
page: 18
page character: D
entry number: 3974
film number: 1254567
Household Gender Age
Alfred S. Roe M 36
spouse Nora A. Roe F 24
child Anna Bell C. Roe F 9M
1900 Census
name: S Alfred Roe
titles & terms:
residence: Worcester city, Worcester, Massachusetts
birth date: Jun 1844
birthplace: New York
relationship to head of household: Self
spouse: A Nora Roe
spouse's titles & terms:
spouse's birthplace: Massachusetts
father's titles & terms:
father's birthplace: New York
mother's titles & terms:
mother's birthplace: New York
race or color (expanded): White
head-of-household name: S Alfred Roe
gender: Male
marital status: Married
years married: 26
estimated marriage year: 1874
mother how many children:
number living children:
immigration year:
enumeration district: 1713
page: 9
sheet letter: A
family number: 209
reference number: 20
film number: 1240695
image number: 00677
Household Gender Age
S Alfred Roe M
spouse A Nora Roe F
child Anabel Roe F
child C Harriet Roe F
1910 Census
name: Alfred S Roe
birthplace: New York
relationship to head of household: Self
residence: Worcester Ward 10, Worcester, Massachusetts
marital status: Widowed
race : White
gender: Male
immigration year:
father's birthplace: New York
mother's birthplace: New York
family number: 249
page number: 11
Household Gender Age
Alfred S Roe M 65y
child Annabel C Roe F 30y
He was a pupil in the public schools of his locality until he had attained the age of sixteen years, when he became a student at the Falley Seminary in Fulton, New York, where he received his preparatory training for college, expecting to enter an institution of learning of that class of 1864. He took a course in army tactics first, however, and matriculated at the Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut, in 1866, and was graduated from this insititution in 1870. He is a member of Phi Betta Kappa. He officated as principal of the High School in Ashland, Massachusetts, until 1875, and until 1890 in the high school of Worcester, being principal during the last ten years. Since that time he has been engaged in writing and lecturing, and has also served his country in the legislature. In politics he is a stanch Republican, and in the campaigns has always been an eloquent and convincing speaker in behalf of that party. He represented Ward One of Worcester from 1892 to 1895, inclusive, in the Massachusetts legislature, and was sentaor from the Second Worcester district from 1896 to 1898, inclusive, during nearly all of this time being chairman of the committee on education. He was instrumental in the passage of a number of acts which were greatly for the public benefit, among them being: The act which today renders secondary education in the state possible to the people of the poorest and most remote towns; an act exempting the property of invalid soldiers from taxation; and the veteran's preference bill. At present (1906) he is supervisor of the evening schools of Worcester. He enlisted in Company A, Ninth New York Heavy Artillery, January 21, 1864, and served until October 17, 1865. His regiment helped build and man the defences of Washington, and in the spring of 1864, joined the Sixth Army Corps, sharing its fortunes until the surrender of Lee. He was captured at Monocacy Junction, Maryland, July 9, 1864, and was a prisoner for almost eight months in Danville, Virginia. He has been a member of the George H. Ward Post, No. 10, to Grand Army of the Republic, more than twenty-five years, was its commander two years, and is now (1906) the junior vice commander, Department of Massachusetts. He has frequently represented Post No. 10 in department encampments, and in 1883 and 1892 was delegated to national encampments. In 1895 and 1896 he was an aide on the staff of Commander Derby, was inspector-general for Commanders Blackmar and Judd, an aide for Commander Field in 1905, and in 1905 was a member of the council of administration. He was reared in the creed of the Methodist Episcopal church, of which his family have been members for more than a century, and has been an official member of Grace Church, Worcester. He is a lay preacher in that denomination, but speaks frequently in other houses of worship on subjects pertinent to the place and time. He was president of the Red Cross organization during the Spanish-American War. He is also connected with the following organizations: Rose Lodge, No. 590, Free and Accepted Masons of Rose, New York; Worcester Society of Antiquity, before which he has read many papers; New England Methodist Historical Society. He is an honorary member of Rhode Island Soldiers' and Sailors' Historical Society, Kansas Historical Society, Old Colony Historical Society, and the Westboro Historical Society. He is also a member of the Massachusetts Society, and is president of the Worcester Chapter in the Sons of the American Revolution.
For many years he has been a forcible speaker in the cause of temperance, and has been a prolific writer, for the political, religious and educational press. Among his books may be mentioned: "History of the Worcester Classical and English High School;" "History of Rose, Wayne County, New York;" "History of the Ninth New York Heavy Artillery;" History of Worcester Young Men's Christian Assocation;" History of the Twenty-fourth Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers;" Diary of Captain Daniel Roe;" and many others.
(Source: Historic Homes and Institutions...of Worcester County Mass Ellery Bicknell Crane pub 1907)