Son of Samuel and Joanna (Kaiser) Randall.
Born: 1726 in Stonington, New London County, Connecticut.
Died: November 22, 1818 in Ridge, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York.
Buried: Randall Family Cemetery, Middle Island, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York.
Military: Lt. American Revolutionary War Veteran.
Occupation: Farmer.
Residence: 1738 - Moved to Middle Island, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York.
Married; Elizabeth Sweezey 1763 in Ridge, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York
From the Randall Family of Long Island, NY
by Geneieve Randall Lanyon
STEPHEN RANDALL, first child of Samuel and Joanna (Kaiser) Randall, was born in 1736 in Stonington, Connecticut and died the 22 Nov. 1818 in Ridge, L.I., N.Y., "in the eighty-second year of his age," which is on his gravestone in Ridge. (p. 182). He married in 1763 at Ridge Elizabeth Swezey, daughter of Stephen and Phebe (Tuthill) Swezey, born 9 Nov. 1747 in Swezeytown, L.I. and died on 9 Nov. 1834 in Ridge, "in the 87th year of her life" as is stated on her gravestone in the Ridge Family Cemetery. Stephen and Elizabeth are buried there which was a part of the farm of John O. Randall and is on the site of the original lands of Stephen Randall.
An interesting legend had been handed down regarding a means of communication known as the Whiskey Road. Stephen fell in love with a neighbor, Elizabeth Swezey, who lived about four miles to the west in Swezeytown. Passing to and fro they thus made a road which was later made into a public highway.
"The War of the Revolution broke out when Stephen was a young man. He cast his lot with the Continentals. Nearly all his neighbors, however, especially those in Wading River joined the British. He lived in a sparsely settled section on the main road between Wading River and the South side of Long Island, which was the road used by the British when they crossed over from Connecticut. The soldiers made it very uncomfortable for him using his barns for their horses, and feeding them on the best at hand.
Stephen soon grew tired of this, and formed a company for home protection. They called themselves "The Minute Men," and he was made commander. They did good service until Stephen was captured.
Two soldiers were taking him to Halifax, when they stopped at a Tory's house in Wading River, to get dinner. They left Stephen Randall bound in the kitchen with the Tory's wife. While she was preparing dinner she set him at liberty, telling him that she would not inform his captors for two or three hours. He hurried home, got his gun, dog and some warm clothing, and remained in hiding until peace was declared. "The Minute Men" then disbanded, but without notifying the Government, so thus do not appear as veterans.
The old gun remained in the possession of the family for a time and was highly prized. However, no one seems to know what has happened to the gun.
He was a patriot of the American Revolution, and had signed the Association Papers at Brookhaven, L.I. on 16 May 1775.
When his children in turn married and were ready to settle down, he had a farm for them. They founded the village of Ridgeville. Prior to this time Ridge was called RANDALLVILLE for a time as practically all the residents were Randalls.
The will of Stephen Randall is found at the County Center in Riverhead, L.L. N.Y. dated 2 May 1817.
Last Will and Testament of Stephen Randal of the town of Brookhaven in County of Suffolk and State of New York. I Stephen Randal considering the uncertainty of this mortal life and being of sound mind and disposing mind and memory blessed by Almighty God for the same do make and publish this my last will and Testament in manner and form following vis. First I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Elizabeth Randal the sum of twenty five dollars annually for her support so long as she remains my widow to be paid her by my son John Randal his heirs Executor or administrator and provided also my said Wife shall give up and aquit unto my said son John his heir and or assigns all her down in my Estate also I give and bequeath to my said wife two cows and all my household furniture to be hers and at her disposal. Item I give and bequeath unto my son Jeffirey Randal and to his heirs or assigns the sum of Fifty dollars. Item I give and bequeath unto my two Daughters Betsey Laws and Polly Reeve and to their heirs or assigns the sum of Fifty dollars each. Item I give and devise unto my son, Samuel Randal and to his heirs and assigns forever Eighty acres of land on the Butt extending southward to contain the said Eighty acres. Item I give and devise unto my Grandson Stephen Randal and to his heirs and assigns forever Ten acres of land to be measured off from the southeast comer of my said westemmost farm lotts of land and bounded south by the Whiskey Road and East by the land of John Randal, so extending Forty rods North and Forty rods west to make the said ten acres of land. Item I give and devise unto my said son John Randal and to his heirs and assigns forever all the residue of my Real Estate consisting of lands and meadows and also I give and devise unto my said son John Randal and to his heirs and assigns all the residue of my personal Estate of whatever nature it may be and I also order and direct that my said son John Randal his heirs Executors or administrator pay all my just debts and,the legacys herein bequeathed which said legacies are to be paid at the Expiration of one year from my decease and lastly for my Executors, I hereby appoint my said wife Elizabeth Randal Executrix and my two friends Stephen Swezey and Mordecai Homan, Esq.,Executors to this my last will and Testament to be the same Executor and performed according to the true intent and meaning here of hereby revoking all former wills made by me. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this second day of' May in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and seventeen signed sealed published and declared by the above said Stephen Randal to be his last will and Testament in presence of us who have here unto subscribed our names as witnesses in presence of the Testator.
Stephen Randal
Mordicai Homan
William Homan, Elizabeth Hurtin