Daughter of Frank Campkin and Lucinda Helen (Leavitt) Randall.
Born: October 22, 1909 in Pine, Gila County, Arizona.
Died: Living as of April 20, 2011.
Census: 1920 - ?, Gila County, Arizona.
(1) Hale Wood Brimhall Unknown in Unknown.
(2) James H Blackburn August 11, 1958 in Globe, Gila County, Arizona.

Birth Certificate

1920 Census
name: Erma Randall
residence: , Gila, Arizona
estimated birth year: 1910
age: 10
birthplace: Arizona
relationship to head of household: Daughter
gender: Female
race: White
marital status: Single
father's birthplace:
mother's birthplace:
film number: 1820047
digital folder number: 4294343
image number: 01085
sheet number: 6
Household Gender Age
parent Frank C Randall M 40y
parent Lucinda H Randall F 36y
Mabel L Randall F 17y
Ruth P Randall F 16y
Ann E Randall F 14y
Frank J Randall M 12y
Erma Randall F 10y
Dorthella Randall F 8y1m
Orley S Randall M 6y9m
Hellen F Randall F 4y2m
Eldon H Randall M 6m Holiday Open House tomorrow in Pine Jodee Smith November 6, 2009 On Oct. 17 Linda Mooney and Diane Short hosted a very special luncheon for their mother Erma Randall Brimhall Blackburn to celebrate her 100th birthday on Oct. 22. There were many folks who came to help her celebrate including Erma’s brother Eldon Randall who is 90 years old and her sister Fay Stratton who is 94. The family is grateful to all the folks who were able to attend Erma’s special day, especially to Robert and Sally Randall who helped out considerably.