Daughter of Frank Campkin and Lucinda Helen (Leavitt) Randall.
Born: December 4, 1911 in Pine, Gila County, Arizona.
Died: After 1920 in Unknown.

1920 Census
name: Dorthella Randall
residence: , Gila, Arizona
estimated birth year: 1912
age: 8
birthplace: Arizona
relationship to head of household: Daughter
gender: Female
race: White
marital status: Single
father's birthplace:
mother's birthplace:
film number: 1820047
digital folder number: 4294343
image number: 01085
sheet number: 6
Household Gender Age
parent Frank C Randall M 40y
parent Lucinda H Randall F 36y
Mabel L Randall F 17y
Ruth P Randall F 16y
Ann E Randall F 14y
Frank J Randall M 12y
Erma Randall F 10y
Dorthella Randall F 8y1m
Orley S Randall M 6y9m
Hellen F Randall F 4y2m
Eldon H Randall M 6m