Son of Sam and Vili "Bili" Chana "Annie" (Kotimsky) Weiss.
Born: March 19, 1907 in Kings County, New York.
Alternate Date of Birth: September 6, 1907. (Father's Petition for Naturalization.)
Died: September 2, 1997 in Unknown.
April 19, 1910 - 602 Cleveland Street, Ward 26, Supervisor's District 2, Enumeraton District 786, Brooklyn, Kings County, New York.
June 1, 1915 - New York State - 602 Cleveland Street, Block 11, Election District 56, Assembly District 22, Brooklyn, Kings County, New York.
January 2, 1920 - 596 Cleveland Street, Assembly District 22, Supervisor's Distrct 3, Enumeration District 1444, Brookyn, Kings County, New York.
June 1, 1925 - New York State - 619 Linwood Street, BLock 8, Election District 44, Assembly District 22, Brooklyn, Kings County, New York.
April 14, 1930 - 2590 Pitkin Avenue, Block L, Supervisor's District 29, Enumeration District 24-500, Brooklyn, Kings County, New York.
April 11, 1940 - 859 Glenmore Avenue, Assembly District 22, Block E, Supervisor's District 9, Enumeration District 24-2662, Brooklyn, Kings County, New York.
1993 - Lawrence, Nassau County, New York.
Last Residence: Long Beach, Nassau County, New York.
April 14, 1930 - Student, Med. College.
April 11, 1940 - Medical Doctor, Private Practice.
February 4-5, 1947 - Havana, Cuba to Miami, Florida; Ship: S.S. Florida.
Married: Unknown wife Unknown in Unknown.