Documents for REGINA "RYFKE" KLINGER FACTOR - Page 1:

Marriage Certificate Pg 1

Marriage Certificate Pg. 2

The date Thirteenth June nineteen hundred and eighteen, are for Our undersigned, Baar office of the Civil State Schiedam, in the House of Commons published in order to enter a marriage: Fischel Faktor, Russian National - twenty-two years, hetterzeller?, born Russian Lodz, Poland adult son of Daniel Frei und Faktor Dela Schaykorosky, ...???
Riwka Klinger, Russian National- sixteen years, ??, born Russian Petrokow, Poland ??
meir underage daughter of Moschek Klinger, ??? years, merchant, an Cheemy Nisli Joskowitch ??
The promulgation of this alhier marriage has taken place without interruption to the ???
And we have asked them publicly or they take to each other faithfully and husbands will fulfill all the obligations. Which by law are linked to the married state, which they explicitly being answered yes, we have, in the name of the law, ruling made it through the really linked together, contrary to resent ??
We have this and this instrument drawn up, which after reading made, signed. Us, and the witnesses appearing.

Marriage Certificate

Affidavit of birth Pg 1

Affidavit of birth Pg 2

Translation: The burgerlyken official of the State of the District Petrokow-Boschnichny explains this, in the Registers of the Burgerlyken State of the District above mentioned the following inscription:

act of birth:

No. 212

1906. Took place in the City Petrokoff, the three thousand nine hundred and twenty-October and six, to two hours in the afternoon, appeared persoonlyk MOSHEK KLINGER, five and forty years old, in the presence of Lewka Abramsohn, private coorespondent, aged two years and fity and Pinkus Reitberger, merchant, press only three cold and forty years, both acting as witnesses, and residing in the City Petrokow, Whilst our getood was a child of the female sex, including using part, that was born in the City Petrokow, on the first / November 1900 and a fourteenth, to nine hours for the afternoon of his lawful wife Cheemy Nisli, born Joskowitch. Child was referred to the name of RIWKA granted.

Above statement was read to the present, and signed by them and us, except the Father, which can not write. The delay in the drafting of this Act was created by the absence of the Father. Following are hand signatures.

Standing back from the Russian translation of the Dutch language was done by me, Translateur Sworn to the District Court in Rotterdam today, the tenth in May 1900 and eighteen.

Affidavit of birth

Consulate General from Russia (in French)
Rotterdam, 5/18 April 1918
A34 (seal mark)

Certificate (underlined) The Consulate General from Russia declares on the basis of a hereto attached birth certificate issued by the President of the “Burgelijke Stand” from Petrokoff dated 26 October 1906 Number 212 that on the 14(sic) November 1901 is born at Petrokoff, Government Petrokoff, Reivka Klinger father Moschak Klinger, mother Cheeny Kisli born (maiden name?) Foskowitsch

The consul: Fersen (sig)

This is followed by two Russian seals, the one at the left says roughly Russian General Consulate … (word I don’t know) and on the right is the same stamp over a stamp seal showing the cost of the document (1.5 Rubles) and the same date 5/18 April 1918 (I have no idea how to interpret 5/18)

There is no ready translation for “Burgelijke Stand” in English. This is a governmental function embedded in the overall government in the Netherlands. It is charged with various statistical functions, births, deaths, marriages, counting and registration of the same, residential permits, etc. If one would move from one house to another, the B.S. must be informed

Birth Certificate

23 Oct/Nov5 '86
2 years... MOSCHEK KLINGER, 45 Trader
Witness: Lewek ABRAMSON, 52
Witness: Pinkus GAJTBURGER, 43
Oct? 24/Nov 17 born 9 morning
Chuna Rysla...Joskowicz, 28

Emigration Papers from Schiedam, Netherlands

Emigration from Scheidam, Netherlands

Ship Manifest - Immigration to US 1920 - Pg. 1

Ship Manifest - Immigration to US 1920 - Pg. 2

April 30, 1930 Chicago, ILL Census

1940 Census