Daughter of John Ross and Martha (Kier) Hanna.
Born: May, 1884 in Armstrong County, Pennsylvania.
Died: Unknown in Apollo, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania.
Census: 1900 - Kiskiminetas, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania.
Married: Clark McQuilkin Unknown in Unknown.
1900 Census
Name: Beatrice Hanna
Residence: Kiskiminetas Township (all northwest of Roaring Run), Armstrong, Pennsylvania
Birth Date: May 1892
Birthplace: Pennsylvania
Relationship to Head-of-Household: Daughter
Spouse Name:
Spouse Titles:
Spouse Birth Place:
Father Name: John R Hanna
Father Titles:
Father Birthplace: Pennsylvania
Mother Name: H M Hanna
Mother Titles:
Mother Birthplace: Pennsylvania
Race or Color (expanded): White
Head-of-household Name: John R Hanna
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Single
Years Married:
Estimated Marriage Year:
Mother How Many Children:
Number Living Children:
Immigration Year:
Enumeration District: 0018
Sheet Number and Letter: 12B
Household ID: 223
Reference Number: 61
GSU Film Number: 1241373
Image Number: 00404
Household Gender Age
Parent John R Hanna M
Parent H M Hanna F
Alletta Hanna F
Viola Hanna F
Irene Hanna F
Beattrice Hanna F
Lewis R Hanna M
Thomas B Hanna M